Senior Citizen Diet Plan

Senior Citizen Diet Plan

Whenever any person crosses 60 years of age they are forced to curtail down some of the food items like sugar or are asked to eat light foods or to add more fibers in their food. Although these things are for their benefits only there are more healthy menus for the senior citizens rather than cutting down on some of the food items.

So as to age more gracefully and happily a lot more is required.

As the person grows older the need for nutrition increases. The metabolism slows down and rate of absorption of nutrients reduces leading to slower regeneration of cells, low immunity, poor digestion, fragile bones, and fatigue.

Eating right becomes the priority then than eating less or more. All those medical conditions reduced physical activity and, internal hormonal changes call for a major shift in the diet. A change in lifestyle may also give different health goals now and would alter the meal times, duration and portion size drastically.

We can provide a diet plan for senior citizens, healthy menu for the elderly residing in New Delhi specially designed by our dietitians for retaining the youthful energy and good health and also to age gracefully.

Although almost everyone is affected by high levels of cholesterol and lipids, in the same manner, the treatment plans and how the medicines affect the body also vary. Therefore, we handle the cholesterol and lipids level with an individualistic perspective.

So the senior citizens’ diet plans must be packaged in easily digestible forms that are evenly spread throughout the day after considering:

  • Sex: Male, Female, Other
  • BMI: Underweight, Overweight
  • Medical History: Metabolism, Allergies, Age, BMI, Genetics, etc.
  • Lifestyle: Previous and Current, their allowances and limitations.

Let us make a health plan that will fill your life with health, joy, and youth.